Medical Specialty:

Sample Name: Delivery Note - 7

Description: The patient presented to Labor and Delivery with complaints of spontaneous rupture of membranes. She was found to be positive for Nitrazine pull and fern. At that time, she was not actually contracting.
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)

DELIVERY NOTE: The patient is a 29-year-old gravida 6, para 2-1-2-3, who has had an estimated date of delivery at 01/05/2009. The patient presented to Labor and Delivery with complaints of spontaneous rupture of membranes at 2000 hours on 12/26/2008. She was found to be positive for Nitrazine pull and fern. At that time, she was not actually contracting. She was Group B Streptococcus positive, however, was 5 cm dilated. The patient was started on Group B Streptococcus prophylaxis with ampicillin. She received a total of three doses throughout her labor. Her pregnancy was complicated by scanty prenatal care. She would frequently miss visits. At 37 weeks, she claims that she had a suspicious bump on her left labia. There was apparently no fluid or blistering of the lesion. Therefore, it was not cultured by the provider; however, the patient was sent for serum HSV antibody levels, which she tested positive for both HSV1 and HSV2. I performed a bright light exam and found no lesions anywhere on the vulva or in the vault as per sterile speculum exam and consulted with Dr. X, who agreed that since the patient seems to have no active lesion that she likely has had a primary outbreak in the past and it is safe to proceed with the vaginal delivery. The patient requested an epidural anesthetic, which she received with very good relief. She had IV Pitocin augmentation of labor and became completely dilated per my just routine exam just after 6 o'clock and was set up for delivery and the patient pushed very effectively for about one and a half contractions. She delivered a viable female infant on 12/27/2008 at 0626 hours delivering over an intact perineum. The baby delivered in the occiput anterior position. The baby was delivered to the mother's abdomen where she was warm, dry, and stimulated. The umbilical cord was doubly clamped and then cut. The baby's Apgars were 8 and 9. The placenta was delivered spontaneously intact. There was a three-vessel cord with normal insertion. The fundus was massaged to firm and Pitocin was administered through the IV per unit protocol. The perineum was inspected and was found to be fully intact. Estimated blood loss was approximately 400 mL. The patient's blood type is A+. She is rubella immune and as previously mentioned, GBS positive and she received three doses of ampicillin.

Keywords: surgery, nitrazine pull and fern, rupture of membranes, spontaneous, membranes, nitrazine, streptococcus, pitocin, perineum, hsv, labor,